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A ‘Cloak & Dagger’ rebrand for creative recruiter


A ‘Cloak & Dagger’ rebrand for creative recruiter


We see a lot of tongues in cheeks from brands these days, but few are as cheeky as the rebrand of recruitment agency Chantal Manning-Knight, executed to afford secrecy and discretion during those calls you don’t want your boss to know about.

Created by Interbrand, the new identity sees the creative recruitment specialist’s name change to Cloak & Dagger, and uses double entendre to disguise the agency as a store selling cloaks and knives while it goes about its recruitment services.

The website, cloakanddagger.net.au, first presents itself as an online boutique, specialising in “personalised fittings, tailoring and alterations for businesses and individuals”.

Manning-Knight herself has been given the new title, ‘head of fittings, alterations and repairs’ and the site allows users to ‘register for catalogue and product updates, and even book in for a fitting’.

According to managing director of Interbrand Sydney, Richard Curtis, the creative rebrand fit with Manning-Knight’s needs for a bespoke solution.

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