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Poll results: Marketing readers planning less online Christmas shopping than two years ago


Poll results: Marketing readers planning less online Christmas shopping than two years ago


It’s not quite what we were expecting but it would seem you are doing less of your Christmas shopping online than you were two years ago.


Marketing ran a very scientific poll on our website earlier this month, asking the same thing that we asked back in 2012: “What proportion of your Christmas shopping are you doing online this year?”.

This year 176 of you responded, up from 110 in 2012. So the sample sizes are, like we say, very scientific.

Despite all the buzz about online shopping, an incredible 35% of you said you were planning to do none of your Christmas shopping online this year. In 2012 this figure was only 14%.

Maybe we shocked you a bit by asking the question in early November but surely by now it’s about time we all got cracking.

Back in 2012, 33% of you planned to do ‘most’ of your Christmas shopping online. That has decreased a little to 25% this year.

Even when we add the ‘most’ and ‘about half’ groups together, 2014 falls short at 40% compared with 57% in 2012.

Those who plan to only shop online ‘a little’ has also decreased, from 24% to 19%, while the minority of those who shop 100% online has stayed the same at 6%.

We’re wondering what the internet gods have done to turn you off. Is it that you missed the bricks-and-mortar experience after trying out the online retail world? Or have real-world retailers simply stepped up their game in the last two years?

Please help us shed some light on the reasons behind this shift by leaving a comment below.



Christmas poll 2014



Christmas poll results 2012




Michelle Herbison

Assistant editor, Marketing Magazine.

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