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Twitter passes marketing milestone with ‘underwhelming’ TVCs

Social & Digital

Twitter passes marketing milestone with ‘underwhelming’ TVCs


Twitter passed a milestone on Sunday, running its first official TV ad to promote the use of hashtags in the US. A series of 15-second spots directed viewers to a sponsored hashtag page (Twitter.com/#NASCAR) encouraging them to experience the racing series through the tweets of its participants.

Visitors to the hashtag’s page saw a variety of curated Twitter feeds instead of the usual ramblings of fan posts related to the topic.

AdWeek describes the ads below, which feature a few seconds of Nascar personalities using their iPhone, as “underwhelming”.

Commenting on the purpose of the ads, TechCrunch speculated that they were not just aimed at consumers. “They’re also a pitch to a whole bunch of other brand marketers as a way to show off what Twitter’s hashtag pages are capable of.”

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