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Use your talent, save a sad man!


Use your talent, save a sad man!


He has a moustache that resembles a dead cat, and a mop of hair that would make The Addams Family’s Cousin Itt feel bald. His wardrobe consists of torn woollen jumpers knit by Nan, and neon blue t-shirts. Meet Australia’s very own Borat – Johann, and guess what? He can’t get a lady.

Johann’s Lady Quest

The Communication Council is enlisting the help of the country’s finest advertising minds to come up with ways to help Johann score. Can creativity and wit really bring love to this lonely, fashionably handicapped man? We will find out within the next month as Johann’s Facebook page gets updated with regular with the advancements of this arduous quest.

As part of the enrolment campaign for the council’s 2011 Graduate Trainee Program, the Communications Council is using this campaign, Johann’s Lady Quest, to show graduates about how the advertising industry works and the effectiveness it has, and to entice them to get involved in the industry.

Will advertising triumph in the face of adversity? Or will Johann remain a desperate man? Stay tuned to www.ladyquest.com.au.

Belle Kwan

Assistant editor, Marketing magazine & marketingmag.com.au A marketer's dream who believes everything she sees on TV. Advertising is not evil, it is an artform and a science.

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