Joseph Jaffe, Part II – will online video blogging fizzle out?
This post is the second in a series of six that feature an exclusive
video interview with international speaker and author Joseph Jaffe.
Click below to read the others:
- Exclusive video interview: Joseph Jaffe, Part I – the winners and losers of social media marketing
- Part II – will online video blogging fizzle out?
- Part III – why is Australia lagging behind in social media?
- Part IV – Second Life as a marketing outreach tool
- Part V – did Joseph Jaffe blackmail a major airline?
- Part VI – some riffs on brand arrogance, digital storytelling and the future of marketing and advertising.
You asked the questions, and he answered them.
The second short video in our Q&A series with Joseph Jaffe features a question from one of Australias best known bloggers, Gavin Heaton.
Gavin describes himself on his blog, Servant of Chaos:
My name is Gavin Heaton and I live in Sydney, Australia. The Servant of
Chaos blog is my interactive diary capturing my thinking on branding,
digital strategy and the art of storytelling.
Gavins question for Joseph is:
Is Kate Modern the beginning of a trend?
If youre wondering what Kate Modern is, your best bet is to very quickly read the Wikipedia page. But I wouldnt worry too much if I were you – as Joseph himself admits, everything moves so fast in this space youd be forgiven for not having heard of this web-based personal video diary series.
Once again, I have to apologise for the audio and video being out of sync but I think Im starting to enjoy it in a weird kind of way 🙂
Joseph arrives in Australia with the help of TCO for a whirlwind speaking tour that lasts from 19-21 August. If youre keen to get a chance to hear Joseph, you might like to consider booking him by contacting [email protected]. Please note though, he doesnt do balloon animals.
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