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Blogs for Breakfast: mirror, mirror… 31 lists of predictions for 2009

Social & Digital

Blogs for Breakfast: mirror, mirror… 31 lists of predictions for 2009


The year is almost out and that means bloggers dust off their crystal balls and pretend like they know whats going to happen over the next year, when most of us couldnt tell you what next week holds.

Still, think of it all as a law of averages – somewhere in amongst these 31 lists have got to be some accurate predictions.

Merry Christmas marketers, and see you in 2009!

General marketing predictions

eMarketers predictions for 2009 – pretty wide-ranging thinking from five analysts with some interesting stuff on demographic shifts.

Whats next: 2009 predictions – the aptly-names Whats next in marketing blog with its thoughts on 2009.

Top online predictions for 2009

9 HOT trends and predictions to watch in 2009 – hahaha, this one is a classic. Seriously, who has a catchphrase online? Anyway, theres actually some interesting stuff in this video if you can get past the one-page-internet-guru-power-salesman style layout.

Affiliate marketing predictions

Affiliate marketing: predictions for 2009 – OK, so affiliate marketers cant help but try and sell you stuff, even when all you want is a list of predictions, but the video does make for interesting viewing either way.

Affiliate marketing – 2009 – the year ahead – easily one of the more ambitious posts, with the year ahead broken down into predictions in each month. A really comprehensive look at affiliate marketing in 2009, and this time no lead gen attached!

Media predictions

Out on my limb: predictions for 2009 – the great blog News After Newspapers predicts what 2009 looks like for the daily rag. A must-read for anyone in the business of news print.

2009 ThinkTank media predictions – four marketers share their thoughts on what 2009 holds for media.

Media predictions for 2009 – hard to say if Business Week will be any more successful with their predictions than others on this list, but youd hope they had their fingers on the pulse.

117 magazine and media predictions for 2009 – nothing if not ambitious the bloggers over at foliomag.com. Great reading for anyone in the print publishing industries.

Keep it real: pragmatic media predictions for 2009 – OG blogger Diane Mermigas from MediaPost encourages us to keep it real – sage street advice for 2009.

Our predictions for newspapers in 2009 and beyond – Market Evolution blog with its predictions for print.

What wont happen in 2009 and what might – the Online Journalism Blog (OJB) kills off the idea of the semantic web amongst others.

Mobile marketing predictions

Tis the season for crystal ball gazing – a bit of a round-up from a few industry pundits in this post, with some (Pew) predicting as far ahead as 2020. Yeah, right.

Predictions for mobile in 2009 – mJelly offer up their prognostications on mobile in 2009.

Mobile becomes linchpin for online advertising surge in 2009 – Bango offers up five reasons to finally believe that 2009 will be the year of mobile

Music marketing predictions

Music Allys predictions for digital music in 2009 – a great post looking at the music landscape and how digital will continue to transform it in 2009.

Search engine and email marketing predictions

Search engine, email marketing trend predictions for 2009 released – a nice long one here from cheaphostingdirectory.com

4 predictions for email marketing in 2009 – United Business Media err on the side of caution and offer a surprisingly small list of just four predictions.

What will 2009 bring us? – Search Engine Watch are a serious SEO and SEM site, so its probably worth checking out what they have to say about 09.

Social media predictions

50 social media predictions for 2009 – Peter Kim walks the walk by crowdsourcing the predictions of 14 new marketing luminaries in one great slideshare presentation, so click through to read what David Armano, Rohit Bhargava, Ann Handley and Chris Brogan (among others) predict for social media in 2009.

Social media predictions for 2009 – 5 tips for 2009 from Windchimes, an Indian start-up social media agency (I think there were meant to be 10 tips, but the link through to part 2 of this post is borked – I predict a slow year of blogging for Windchimes in 2009).

Top seven social media predictions for India for 2009 – Gaurav Mishra breaks with tradition (errr…) by opting to list seven social media predictions, but the focus on India makes for great reading.

Consumers to suffer from social media indigestion in 2009 – in his piece for Advertising Age Pete Blackshaw bucks the social media love-in trend and predicts that our browsing patterns in public toilets will shift.

Social media in 2009: our predictions and desires – ReadWriteWeb are short on predictions but do have a few great suggestions for what we need in 2009.

5 ballsy social media predictions for 2009 – Shawn Farner masters the art of great headline writing for delicious linkbait. Ballsy? Hardly, but offered up for your delectation nonetheless.

8 experts predict how Web 2.0 will evolve in 2009 – a great piece from Fast Company with some of the heavyweights in the Web 2.0 space making predictions.

Five things that probably wont happen in social media in 2009 – turns the prediction game on its head by admitting the future is sort of murky.

Best of the rest predictions

2009 personal branding predictions – the personal branding guru elect Dan Schawbel gives us the skinny on this growing phenomenon in 2009.

2009. Next steps in gaming – a look at some of the emerging trends around gaming and the games industry over the year ahead

2009 is the year of the niche gatekeepers – Dan Schawbel is at it again here, with his look at how niche will be everything in 2009.


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