Look inside: ‘The Social Issue’ of Marketing Magazine – now with added Ritson!
Social networking. Social enterprise. Social psychology and the social creatures that marketers must be. There’s a lot of socialising going on in The Social Issue of Marketing, not least by Mark Ritson, who makes his debut as a Marketing columnist by taking the ideas of digital and social ‘strategy’ down a peg or two.
Subscribe to Marketing in print and get The Love Issue delivered to your door in June. Bonus: While stocks of the current issue, The Social Issue, last we’ll mail you a copy of that too. Subscribe here or freecall 1800 804 160.
The speed of Snapchat’s ascent in the social media world is matched only by that of its monetisation efforts. While the platform itself still has to prove its chops, the challenge is for brands to harness the app’s popularity without looking like the awkward uncle, writes Tate Papworth in the feature-length ‘Making it snappy.’
Four years ago, Patagonia’s responsible-consumption commerce kicked off a groundswell, and now social enterprises and B Corps are cresting the burgeoning wave of responsible consumption. But what’s in it for brands? A sustainable future, as Michelle Dunner reports.
If you’ve been wondering who’s going to come out on top in the online video war between Facebook and YouTube, find out what MinSun Collier (Neo@Ogilvy), Zeina Khodr (Colloquial) and Tom Robinson (MediaCom) have to say on the matter in this issue’s Brain Trust.
From a marketing base, Chris Noone’s career saw him involved in the early days of emerging industries, from video games to mobile content. Now he’s CEO of a company already capitalising on another sector promising big things: the sharing economy. Profile by Ben Ice and original illustration by Sara Hingle.
Case studies:
- Lenovo Australia and New Zealand: A social media-led campaign in collaboration with Toni Matičevski and Coutouring.com around Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia, in partnership with Digivizer.
- LG Electronic Australia: The socially-led LG G4 Recommender Program in partnership with Hypetapp.
- SA Health: A cause marketing campaign that closed the gap in immunisation rates between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children, in partnership with Showpony.
- Jus Burgers: A social media campaign to spread the word about the burger store’s unique approach to fast food, in partnership with Hancock Creative.
- St.George Bank: Happy the Dragon finally got social to celebrate Diwali, in partnership with Etcom.
- Mark Ritson: The digital-traditional divide is industry horses**t
- Jac Phillips: Great marketers are social beings
- Michael Valos & Alvin Lee: What matters more than skill?
- Steve Sammartino: The social CV of brand You
- Sergio Brodsky: Social media is moving inwards
- Con Stavros: Way out
- Plus: the best marketing opinion from the web.
Content partners:
- Meltwater: The social organisation
- Bastion Collective: Are you ready for real real-time marketing?
- Effective Measure: Is social marketing deceptive?
- Forrester Research: Marketer satisfaction with social networks out of line with usage
- UnLtd.: Whose corporate social responsibility is it anyway?
Take a peek inside: