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Red Cross waxes for the love of humanity

Social & Digital

Red Cross waxes for the love of humanity


Red Cross Australia’s ‘For the Love of Humanity’ campaign has seen a man receive a public, participatory full-body wax in Sydney’s Circular Quay.

The campaign, developed by Jack Watts Currie, focuses on a Facebook app that allows friends to dare each other to raise money for ‘humanity’.

The hairless mans dare was deliberately premature, to allow The Red Cross to promote the campaign, and has spread virally to fark.com and la Repubblica, Italy’s second largest newspaper.

The Red Cross told Marketing:

Dan’s a big supporter of Red Cross and was willing to do his deed a little early and let us film it so we could show people how to get involved with For the Love of Humanity. As you can only raise money for the For the Love of Humanity campaign through the Facebook application, Dan had to wait for the app to launch and he is now asking his mates to support his gallant effort.

We’re grateful to Dan for letting 12,000+ YouTube viewers share in his For the Love of Humanity experience and hope his friends support his efforts throughout the campaign, which ends on the 8th of May.

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