The social hangover: consumers get it, but you can’t afford to
Far from being a time for marketers to switch off, Winter offers ample engagement opportunities for marketers who can build inspirational experiences that fit the season.
This article was sponsored by Scentre Group BrandSpace to let readers know about the always-on engagement opportunities within the Westfield environment »
Australians head into Winter with a ‘social hangover’ of sorts. Summer and Autumn are filled with endless social moments ranging from casual occasions right through to major holidays. Brands miss out, however, when they load their marketing budgets and targets into these moments. Once the warm season’s over, you’re left with consumers that (finally!) aren’t shopping for others. They’re not stressing about last minute gifts or picking up food, booze and sunscreen for another barbecue or trip to the beach.
So while their moods and priorities change, their habits don’t. Westfield, for example, experiences consistent traffic year round, in fact, 66% of customers visit Westfield at least weekly for an average of 81 minutes per visit. In a world where media consumption continues to fragment and audiences become more difficult to locate, this level of mass appeal demonstrates the potential for new retail environments to build brand, foster engagement and develop emotional connections.
But retail environments are changing as retail itself does. Out-of-home advertising is being revolutionised. Traditional path-to-purchase advertising in retail environments has been disrupted. There are numerous new tools and methods available to help marketers break the mould in these environments.
As owners and operators of its centres, Westfield has had the unique ability to collaborate on successful client campaigns underpinned by its own rich customer knowledge. The best campaigns in these spaces engage customers from a brand perspective, while also enhancing their shopping experience.
A result of their social hangover, Australians are happy to make little-to-no forward plans come Winter. Westfield centres offer a welcomed solace to spend time indoors. When they’re out shopping, consumers are less encumbered by time and interruptions. They’re in a discovery mindset – moving at a pace where they are more receptive to messaging from your brand and others. Perhaps even more so than in the ‘silly season’, they are looking for experiences; to beat the cold and to spend quality time with friends and family in a familiar environment.
So how will this alter how you look to market to them? Brands that find long-term success will leverage opportunities year-round to inspire and entertain them. The ability to reach a large audience consistently over the year is paramount to marketing success in Winter. This ability, combined with great marketing that builds experiences that appeal to their mindset of curiosity, will deliver results beyond traditional retail path-to-purchase.
To hear more about the Winter marketing opportunities at Westfield, click here.