Winner announcement: find out who won the year’s membership to Marketing Advantage
And the winner is… Christopher Quyen!
Chris, who’s from Sydney and goes by @chrisquyen on Twitter, is the lucky winner of the sweepstakes competition we’ve been running over the last couple of weeks to promote pre-registration of our soon-to-be-launched Marketing Advantage membership. That also makes Chris the very first full member, since it’s not yet open for purchase (it will be very, very soon).
As a paid-up member, Chris will have a whole year’s access to everything Marketing Advantage has to offer, which includes premium content like trend briefings, research, case studies and tools, as well as exclusive invitations and big discounts.
When we informed Chris he’d won, he was stoked: “What a great start to the morning!”
Chris says he enjoys investing himself in innovation and creativity. “I am always looking for a unique angle upon things (even though, sometimes the best strategy is a cliché strategy re-invented).
“I started out in face-to-face marketing and am looking to move into social media marketing, which I’ve done for my personal projects such as the publication of a novel and brand marketing, which I’ve begun for an independent bag company, Rust.”
We’re very much looking forward to giving all our members, including Chris, the Marketing Advantage in their work and careers.
Note: The competition may have concluded, but pre-registration for Marketing Advantage is still open.
Note #2: The membership cards pictured above are for illustrative purposes only – we’d much rather spend the money on making the member content better, like adding professionally-recorded audio versions (check out the audio version of the trend briefing that’s in the free Content Pack you get when you pre-register).