CUB unveils new VB campaign with slogan change
VB has unveiled a new campaign entitled ‘The Regulars’, with a series of TVCs involving a parade celebrating quirky Australian stereotypes, abandoning its classic Hard earned thirst slogan for The drinking beer.
The beer brand focuses on ‘people we all know’ carrying banners including: ‘blokes punching above their weight’, ‘men who’ve had their arm in a cow’, ‘guys who peaked in high school’, ‘meat tray winners’, ‘guys who claim to have punched a shark’ and ‘the brewers’.
“At their heart, our new VB ads are about a beer at the pub with your mates but they’re brought to life in a way that is uniquely Australian. There are the classic VB trademarks but it’s definitely a new take – both from a creative and launch to market standpoint. This new campaign is another step forward for VB and will play an integral role in driving the brand’s future growth,” said Peter Sinclair, CUB marketing director.
Shot in Ballarat, the production required a cast of over 1500 and a 150-person crew making it one of the largest beer commercials Australia has produced. The cast involved CUB employees, people off the street and some cameos.
Celebrities who appeared in the TVCs include Michael Clarke, Wally Lewis, Paul De Gelder, Scott Cam, Molly Meldrum, Peter Russell Clarke, Dean Jones, Michael Klim, Billy Brownless and Greg Evans.
As well as the TVCs, the campaign sees the brand receiving refreshed packaging, outdoor, print, radio and point of sale promotion. Additionally, Carlton United Breweries (CUB) has launched the first dedicated VB brand site.
CUB said that VB is Australia’s favourite beer and the highest selling alcohol brand in the country, indicating that one in four regular beers bought is a VB.
Speaking about the campaigns creative, David Nobay, Droga5 creative chairman, said VB was the great leveller, making it a quintessential Aussie brand:
“It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do or wear, when you pick up VB you become a part of something authentic. Our creative challenge was to amplify that in a way that is equally authentic, Australian and real. The result is the ‘The Regulars’ and as a team it’s work we’re really proud of.”