Lion Nathan TVC mocks Victorians
Lion Nathan’s latest TVC for West End Draught (WED) mocks Victorian stereotypes and Sean Cummins’ ‘You’ll Love Every Piece of Victoria’ – the world’s longest running tourism TVC.
Developed by BMF, the TVC plays off the interstate rivalry between South Australia and Victoria, telling viewers for every WED drunk “a Victorian cops it.” A Victorian copping it involves Cummins’ famous red ball of yarn steamrolling a cafe diner.
“Our campaign needed to be fresh, humorous, and above all make WED a central player again in the
great South Australia/Victoria rivalry, and I think it does just that,” said Josh Gaudry, WED marketing manager.
The TVC is the first of a series for the brand – Lion Nathan’s biggest seller in South Australia.
West End Draught’s long running strategy of dramatising the rivalry between SA and VIC is a great opportunity for us to have some fun. WED drinkers love the brand’s down‐to‐earth, tongue‐in‐cheek approach; and with an idea like Beer Karma, so do we,” said BMF executive creative director, Warren Brown.