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Get ready to celebrate the AFL Grand Final with Furphy!

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Get ready to celebrate the AFL Grand Final with Furphy!


Furphy, in collaboration with Thinkerbell, has put a twist on the typical football, to commemorate the footy season final.

Every Aussie is gearing up to celebrate the exciting end to the 2022 footy season, with Geelong and Sydney finding themselves versing each other for the very first time in the grand final. The two megastar teams are sure to bring in huge crowds. And what goes hand in hand with a huge crowd? That’s right a can in hand.

Geelong based brewery Furphy was all over this years’ grand final. It is the hometown brew of the challenging Geelong Cats. This is a matter of ensuring the folks of Geelong and beyond have a tasty treat in hand for a day of dangerous footy.

Furphy reflects this exciting end with its message: “Here’s to an Unbelievable footy finals”, featured alongside the visual combination of an AFL football and Furphy’s bottle cap.

The creative initiative is supported across OOH, print, radio and digital OOH across its native state, Victoria, live this week to celebrate the upcoming footy finals.


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