In The Zone With: Craig Wax
The greatest misconception about search marketing is…
that it’s only for businesses that have an e-commerce model. Generating online sales is certainly a major benefit of search marketing but campaigns also increase brand awareness and drive offline sales.
The best example of digital marketing is…
Kellogg’s integrated Special K campaign using offline media to drive consumers to search for Special K on Yahoo!
I knew I was destined for a career in marketing when…
I realised I wasn’t going to be a professional baseball player.
Since joining Yahoo! Search Marketing I have learned…
that a passionate and dedicated team of people can accomplish extraordinary things.
The biggest hurdle to launching a new search engine advertising system is…
seamlessly transitioning all customers from the old to the new system without skipping a beat. It was a challenge but a feat we’re very proud.
My most embarrassing professional moment was when…
too embarrassing to tell.
If I weren’t in search marketing I would be…
hitting home runs as a professional baseball player for the Chicago Cubs.
Anyone aspiring to a career in search marketing should be made to…
make the most of the opportunities available to them now. It’s a growing industry and if you’re successful doing what you do then there’s probably room for you in the digital space.
If there is one thing I’d like to be remembered for it’s…
doing things the right way.