iSnack 2.0 a ploy?
A marcomms agency is conducting an online survey to determine consensus on whether iSnack 2.0 was a PR ploy.
Agency BCM is conducting a survey on whether Australians believe that choosing iSnack 2.0 was simply ‘Step 2′ in a planned publicity stunt.
“It undoubtedly has been a tough week for Kraft in Australia. A decision to launch a new product under the iconic Vegemite brand would not have been taken lightly. Much has been speculated by industry insiders about whether the name was deliberately chosen as a short term stunt to generate marketing noise and community outrage, or whether it was nothing more than a massive error of judgement on the part of the US owned Kraft. We thought it would be interesting to know what the Australian public thought.” said Kevin Moreland, BCM partner.
If youd like to cast your vote, click here.
Kraft has acknowledged the public outcry and is calling for an Australia and New Zealand wide vote. The six names consumers are able to choose from are: Cheesybite, Creamymate, Smooth, Snackmate, Vegemate and Vegemild.
Vote for the new name here.