Moments with marketers: Michelle Gamble
Share chats to Michelle Gamble – the founder of marketing consultancy, Marketing Angels based in Sydney. If you would like to see a certain
marketer profiled, please email your suggestion to Kate Kendall, online
editor, on [email protected].
1. What do you do?
Founder and chief angel at Marketing Angels – a marketing consultancy that provides outsourced marketing managers and directors for businesses. Im also mum to three little angels (mostly anyway).
2. What was your first job?
After school and on Saturday mornings I worked at Learmonts Pharmacy in Cooma, NSW. I still have a thing for chemists, which is lucky really – with three small children I think I own shares in my local one!
3. What did you study?
Bachelor of education, then a postgraduate certificate in management. Its not very marketing, but hey here I am! For the past 18 years, I’ve been able to learn from some great marketers throughout my marketing career.
4. Describe a typical day?
I rise when my kids decide to wake me – if I’m lucky it’s when the sun is actually up! I attempt a quick run with the dog a couple of times a week.
Then theres a mad panic to get ready, pack the school lunch, remember what uniform/activity we have on that day, and whether I’ve got my mobile phone and my head on straight!
I do a school drop off, then head into the office in St Leonards and spend the day working on marketing for Marketing Angels and working with my talented team of angels on client projects.
I get home about 6pm for the days debrief from the munckins, homework, bedtime stories, and tucking in.
Dinner is lovingly prepared by and with hubby about 8pm – accompanied by glass of wine if not an AFD.
Constant feeding of Twitter addiction at various moments in between all of the above!
5. What is on the agenda for 2009?
More of helping businesses grow with cost-effective Marketing help
Big plans for growing my Marketing Angels and it’s flock too….stay tuned J
6. What brand do you love the most? Hate the most? Why?
The brand that I love the most has to be my own really! But, I think Virgin is pretty amazing – they’ve built a brand that stands up in any market across many different product categories.
The brand that I hate the most is Viagra thanks to the evil spammers – nuff said!
7. What do you believe has been the most significant moment in the history of marketing?
I think the recent US election was a pretty significant moment – a powerful use of marketing, particularly online, to create a movement. The world needs more of it really.
8. Where can people find you?