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Moments with marketers: Jason Davey

Social & Digital

Moments with marketers: Jason Davey


Marketingmag.com.au chats to Jason Davey – MD, Digital Marketing, Bullseye. If you
like to see a certain
marketer profiled, please email your suggestion to Kate Kendall, online
editor, on [email protected].

1. What do you do?

As MD, Digital Marketing for Bullseye I oversee the development and execution of digital strategies for clients to help them grow brand awareness, achieve sales targets and improve their customer relationships.

2. What was your first job?

My first job was for a local building restoration company, hand sanding the wooden handrails for the entire QVB Building in Sydney – I was 15 and it nearly killed me! My first ‘professional’ job was as a multimedia designer for a corporate video and event management company. It was great fun, but long hours.

3. What did you study?

Design. I’m a designer by ‘trade’, which has taught me about communication, and how important the delivery of the message is to the idea.

4. Describe a typical day?

My kids wake me up at about 6ish and I try for as long as possible to avoid getting out of bed to make them breakfast. This usually lasts for about 15 minutes. While they demolish their Weet-Bix and muesli, I review my calendar on my iPhone and plan for the day. This is no mean feat as my calendar is usually a labyrinth of meetings and presentations, or preparing for meetings and presentations. Any spare time is spent answering emails (about 250+ a day!) and having lunch at my desk. I try to be home by 7.30pm for dinner with my wife, a glass of Shiraz, some mindless TV; then typically another couple of hours finishing the work I couldn’t complete for the day because of all those meetings and presentations. When I finally get to bed I often read (cyberpunk fiction) until I run out of steam. By then it’s late.

5. What is on the agenda for 2009?

Growth. While the economy has hit the skids, now is an extremely important time for digital marketing. More marketers can now understand and can see the benefits of digital marketing and with the National Broadband Network coming, smart marketers are getting prepared for the massive change this will bring. Consumer behaviour has changed and 2009 is the year that business will catch up. They are beginning to understand the impact of social media on their brands and the myriad of digital channels available to them. As a result, they are deriving compelling actions from their insights. In 2009, I will be helping clients to do that.

I’m also organising my 20-year school reunion for 2010 via Facebook.

6. What brand do you love the most? Hate the most? Why?

I love the global brand success story of Google. Google proved that brand building is not purely achieved by advertising. It is the youngest (and fastest growing) of the world’s top 10 brands.

7. What do you believe has been the most significant moment in the history of marketing?

The invention of the web browser!

8. Where can people find you?


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