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Channel 7’s Dream Home: Transforming aspirations into reality with View.com.au and Pinterest

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Channel 7’s Dream Home: Transforming aspirations into reality with View.com.au and Pinterest


In a groundbreaking move set to redefine the home renovation TV genre, the Seven Network has announced the launch of its new show, Dream Home. Premiering this Sunday, 26 May, at 7.00 pm on Channel 7 and 7plus, the series promises to take viewers on an inspiring journey, transforming tired suburban homes into breathtaking dream abodes. 

Hosted by the charismatic Dr. Chris Brown, the series brings together six pairs of everyday Australians who compete room by room for the ultimate prize: their dream home and a life-changing $100,000.

Judges confirmed for the show include Luxe Listing’s Simon Cohen, Selling in the City star and principal at architecture firm Hassell Rosie Morley, and Three Birds Renovations‘ Lana Taylor.

View Dream Home Judges
Dream Home’s judges: Simon Cohen, Lana Taylor and Rosie Morley

Pinterest partnership: A game-changer for viewer engagement

In an Australian first, Pinterest has teamed up with the Seven Network to elevate the Dream Home experience. This collaboration is a masterstroke, seamlessly merging television and digital interactivity. Viewers can dive deeper into the room reveals on Pinterest, curating their own dream homes with products from the show’s sponsors. This innovative integration offers a new dimension of engagement, turning passive viewers into active participants.

Mel Hopkins, Chief Marketing and Audience Officer at Seven West Media, couldn’t contain her excitement about the partnership. “We are incredibly proud of this unique partnership with Pinterest, which offers huge benefits for viewers and sponsors alike,” she enthused. “This integration closes the loop with a cross-screen experience that allows people to engage, curate, and shop directly with Dream Home.”

Adding to the excitement is Pinterest’s Dream Home Curation Challenge, inviting viewers to mix and match their favourite designs and products from the show on Pinterest boards. Winners of the challenge will enjoy a lifetime of savings from Three Birds Renovations, transforming their online dreams into reality.

High profile sponsorships fuel the dream

Dream Home has already garnered significant interest from major brands, solidifying its status as a must-watch series. View.com.au, LG Electronics Australia, Youi Insurance, Alinta Energy, hipages, and RSL Art Union are among the key partners, with Beaumont Tiles, Highgrove Bathrooms, Luxaflex Window Fashions, Dulux, and Beacon Lighting joining as sponsors.

Katie Finney, Director of 7RED, highlighted the overwhelming response from brands. “The reaction to Dream Home has been phenomenal, particularly for a brand-new format,” she remarked. “Australia is going to fall in love with this show, which takes the renovation genre to exhilarating new heights.”

View.com.au: property perfectly positioned

National property portal, View.com.au’s integration into the show, providing pre- and post-renovation price estimations, is a stroke of genius. This partnership perfectly aligns with View’s brand mission, as Chief Marketing Officer Paul Tyrrell explained. “Dream Home is not just a fantastic show; it’s a natural fit for View. Our pre-renovation and post-renovation price estimations integrate seamlessly into the core element of the show. It will certainly help position View as a serious player in the property category.”

All screen approach for viewer interaction

Adding to the show’s appeal is 7CIC, Seven’s new shoppable, in-content premium ad product on 7plus. This feature allows viewers to purchase products seen on the show directly from their screens, enhancing convenience and engagement.

Christopher Fifer, National Head of Program Partnerships at 7RED, emphasised the importance of an all-screens approach. “As viewing habits evolve, an all-screens approach for our partners is essential to maximise reach for their brand campaigns. We are thrilled to have LG extend their association with Dream Home and partner with us for the launch of 7CIC on 7plus.”

Dream Home is not just about watching transformations; it’s about being part of the transformation.


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Emily Rayner

Emily Rayner is the editorial director of Niche Media.

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