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2008 Moggies: media and marketing post of the year awards


2008 Moggies: media and marketing post of the year awards


Nominate your favourite Australian media and marketing posts of 2008

The 2008 Moggy Awards


Craig Wilson, author of the Media Hunter blog, has organised the 2008 Moggies – a new recognition system that was brought about as a desire to reward Australian marketing and media bloggers who have contributed posts of a high standard and quality to the blogosphere throughout the year. 

Craig has said that:

All good bloggers know (or are learning) that quality tends to win
out over quantity when it comes to posts. One really thought provoking,
well written posts can deliver more traffic, subscribers and attention
than 20 ordinary posts.

The penny really dropped for me soon after I relaunched Media Hunter
with a new look and format a few months ago. Rather than pumping out
countless random posts and regurgitating facts and news from around the
world, I decided to post less regularly, taking the time to identify
poignant topics and research them well before tapping out the post.

The point is that quality counts.


Nominations are open now, and may be drawn from a post in 2008 that was written by you or someone else. The conditions are that it must be Australian, be marketing or media focused, posted in 2008 and
be original work.

Nominations will be open until midnight Friday 12 December (AEST),then the shortlist of the Top 10 posts will be made, before announcing the Gold Moggy winner live on the Media Hunter blog on Monday 22 December and then on MarketingMag.

The winner will receive lots of kudos, links and well-deserved praise.

Alongside Craig, the entries will be judged by acomplished journalists and new media analysts Mark Chenery and Mark Jones.

How to enter:

  • Post a link in the comments section of this post
  • Post a link on Twitter with #themoggies tag

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