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Eyeing OOH: summer effectiveness research study for EYE


Eyeing OOH: summer effectiveness research study for EYE


This case study was submitted by Alison Diaper of EYE Corporation. To submit a case please email [email protected] for the guidelines.


EYE commissioned TNS (Taylor Nelson Soffres) to validate the
effectiveness of Out-Of-Home (OOH) in summer. A sample of over 300
people aged 18-34, across Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane metropolitan
areas, took part in the research.

Campaign: Summer
Timing: Jan – Feb 08
Sample: Aged 18 – 54
Location: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane (metro)
Media: Eye Drive, Eye Fly, Eye Shop


The objective was to validate the effectiveness of OOH in summer via
a cross-platform EYE OOH campaign, and to measure the effectiveness of
OOH at reaching and engaging audiences to drive ratings and improve
positive brand perception for the advertiser.


These objectives were achieved by investigating media consumption, behaviour, consumer activities across three audiences: Drivers, Flyers
and Shoppers.


The strategy was executed across three EYE OOH formats: Eye Drive
(roadside billboards), Eye Fly (airport media) and Eye Shop (mall
media) in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

Other media was also used: TV, print, magazines, online, radio, transit, cinema and ambient.


 + Key results and findings:

  • People are more active and out of the home in summer
  • 92% frequently engage in activities out of the home
  • Summer is associated with a more upbeat positive mindset
  • 53% are happier in summer
  • Positive mindsets strongly correlate with out-of-home activities
  • Happy people spend 60% more time out and about
  • Creating recall and brand engagement are maximised in summer
  • Happy people are 72% more engaged with OOH media

+ Australians spend summer socialising, shopping and going out

  • 71% socialise and go shopping frequently or a lot in summer

+ 2.2 million spend more time on the roads, more time in shopping centres and more time in airports during summer

  • 39% spend more time on the roads
  • 37% spend more time in airports
  • 47% spend more time in shopping centres
  • 327,000 students attend summer school at tertiary institutions

+ Consumers spend more time with OOH media in summer, but spend less time consuming other media during this period

  • 49% spend more time with OOH media in summer

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