GPY+R releases Brand Asset Valuator
George Patterson Y+R (GPY&R) has announced the release of its 2009 Brand Asset Valuator (BAV).
Among the top brands for Australians are Google, Nokia, Tim Tams, Wii, Apple, Breast Cancer and Hugh Jackman.
The BAV study analysed 1,200 brands across 139 categories and interviewed over 4,000 Australian consumers.
“What we’re seeing here are high engagement players taking precedence over the more traditional and prestige brands. There is a new dynamic here which will have a significant impact on how marketers invest in their in their brands in the future,” said David Evans, national research director of GPY&R’s Brand Asset Consulting.
“We saw the beginnings of this in the 2006 BAV study, when Google came in at number four. Today it is the most deserving leader of the pack right across the board due a combination of factors – delivering on promises, continuous energy and steady service innovation. Apple’s five products are also clear consumer favourites.”
For the first time consumer trust toward brands was tracked and GPY&R found trust increasing. According to the study, this is most evident in the service and finance sectors, with new entrants Youi and ING gaining on heritage competitors. Panadol, Band Aid, Nurofen and Herron all ranked in the top 15 most trusted brands.
Personal brand power was also evaluated, with Hugh Jackman and Michael Clarke significantly adding to their earning potential.
The bottom four brands according to the study were Mambo, Stussy, Sportsgirl and Quiksilver, followed by Carlton United Breweries. The car industry has also slipped, with BMW, Citroen and LandRover in decline. nineMSN also slid along with many luxury brands and categories.
Brand Lamb dropped, however the Chicken brand rose.
The study had been conducted every three years, but GPY&R’s CEO Nigel Marsh announced it would now be conducted annually.