Marketing Mags Fab Five
Coles Express
Coles’ resurgence has been remarkable, and it's not just trumping Woolworths with loss leading and its traditional advertising, it's winning the mobile war too. They’ve demonstrated their tech savvy already with a phone app that makes shopping in store a little easier, and now they’re launching an app for thirsty drivers and thirsty cars. The Coles Express app does all the things you’d expect it to, like tell you where the nearest Coles Express service station is, as well as serving up a trivia game to keep bored kids from wondering if they are “there” yet.
Zerwijmy Lancuchy
A simple, small–scale idea from Poland, where dogs don’t have a whole lot of room to roam and many live their lives on a short chain. Polish dog lovers were encouraged to print out PDFs and take it to the streets themselves, and they did so in droves. Apparently unchaining a dog is as easy as ripping off a piece of paper. So, I guess the measurement for effectiveness of this campaign is to expect feral dogs next time you go to Poland. But remember, they’re free, and it’s a beautiful thing.
While the suffocating Hollywood “party” scene this video climaxes in might be many people’s private hell, this YouTube takeover shows just how interactive and interesting advertisers can get on YouTube. We scouted this one off the Digital Buzz Blog, an obscenely popular campaign case study machine, check it out here.
Desperados YouTube Takeover from Digital Buzz on Vimeo.
Cadbury Lunch Bar
Yep, it seems that the guy from Police Academy who can “do the voices” will never be short of work. This South African ad for Cadbury’s Lunch Bar borrows some scenes from The Dark Knight and implies all consumers of the chocolate bar are eccentric. It’s an interesting buying proposition, but after watching a minute of this actor, you probably want what he’s having.
Finally, in a surprising move, Eftpos is advertising. With TVCs that make you fear touching dirty money and a print campaign from M&C Saatchi, the first ever Eftpos ad buy apparently just wants to remind consumers that Eftpos is…useful. So, why do you think they’re doing it? Fear of that Mastercard PayPass that isn’t really any stores yet, or does Paypal have something up its sleeve. Drop a comment below on what you think of the campaigns…