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Mills & Boon steams up e-books


Mills & Boon steams up e-books


Wondering why that person across from you on the train is getting hot and bothered over their iPhone? Yes they could be tech-nerds, but now Mills & Boon is introducing its range into the e-book publishing world, deciding to make dozens of new titles available as digital downloads every month.

They can be read on PDAs such as the Blackberry, computers and special e-readers, which are designed to replicate the experience of reading a book.

Brand Republic reports that the saucy book publisher admits that one of the benefits is that fans can read the books in ‘total anonymity’, allowing them to avoid the embarrassment factor.

It also says that using the e-book platform will mean fans won’t have to wait for the latest titles to be delivered – they can be downloaded instantly.

Many of the books cost more in digital than the paper edition, with publishers cautious of eating in to their bread-and-butter revenue stream by making cheap digital versions available.

But can you put a price on reading about ‘quivering members’ without being stared at in public?

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