Moments with Marketers: Marina Majeran
Share had a chat with Marina Majeran, marketing manager for Centro Roseland. If
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marketer profiled, please email your suggestion to Sean Greaney on [email protected].
What do you do?
I have a great time planning, creating and implementing the marketing strategies for Centre Roselands Shopping Centre in Sydney. Year after year I still get excited about the next campaign, because you never really know what the outcome will be. This Christmas we are doing a Christmas Splash — free beach gear gift with purchase: a free beach in November, beach umbrella in December and beach towel in January. There is an eDM strategy involved that allows us to continue to build relationships with those customers who participate. I love the creative process and since the GFC my sense tells me simple is good.
What was your first job?
I worked for The Bay in Canada in the receiving room pricing stock and sending it to all departments. I had a wicked boss that nobody liked, but we got on just fine. I have a great work ethic that I am very proud of.
What did you study?
I studied marketing, but really it has been my hands on discoveries and years of experience that I am most proud of. The study of life and people, and the art of communication, is ongoing. Experience brings insight and directs me in what I need to do next.
Describe a typical day?
I wake at 6.00am, sometimes I hit the treadmill and, well, sometimes not. Mornings are a hair thing with me, need time to get it right. I kiss Harry (the cat) ruffle his fur and get a bit of a fight happening. He hates me, and runs when he sees me coming. My daughter, 22, and partner, 52, are all grown up now so they fend for themselves. I leave for work at 7.45am. My day is always busy. It starts by doing a Centre walk (I usually do this on the way in, I call it the quick scan if I have a lot on). The days are filled with retailer communications, creating the next promotion, writing briefs, writing copy, proofing ads, completing reports, tracking results, providing direction and whinging about everyone else’s poor listening skills: Why can’t they get it right so I can get what I want”. At night I plan to go to the gym (sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t) but after a day of full on communications, I like to chill and keep it light, lean and leisurely.
What is on the agenda for the next year?
To be personally better than I was the year before. I did a pre-Christmas fashion magazine in October this year which included employee and customer makeovers. I would like to make it even better next year. Plus Centro is launching a new web based National Loyalty Program and I am really looking forward to integrating this into my marketing plan. Sometimes adding in a national incentive can be disjointed from the local things you are doing. I’m looking forward to creating an awesome program with seamless integration.
What brand do you love the most? Dislike the most? Why?
I am not a lover of brands, but I do admire good work when I see it. Right now I am fond of Visa GO. I love the one word of action. As for brands I hate, I wouldn’t mention any names, but there is a TV Ute ad that has women following the two men in the vehicle with reference that the vehicle is like a chick magnet. Now that I can say I hate.
What do you believe has been the most significant moment in the history of marketing?
The election of Barack Obama was the most significant moment in marketing history. His campaign, his election and his inauguration were perfect demonstrations of the results that can be achieved through highly effective, real and honest communications. He didn’t make it about him; he made it about “the people”. He communicated through all forms of media and connected on several different levels with all age groups. From a marketing perspective, it is about “the people: the customer. The public knows what truth is and there is very little tolerance for the misguided try hard.
Where can people find you?
I’m on Facebook, but that is to just stay in touch with my family overseas. You won’t find a photo of me unless a family member put it there. I am @rosepatch on Twitter, but I have no followers — yes, quite pathetic I know, but in order to be followed one must follow. I was never good at following.