Newsflash: Architectures peak body hates the Queen
A new campaign being launched on July 1 by Australia’s peak body for the architecture profession, the RAIA, centers around dropping the word Royal from their title to just become the Australian Institute of Architects.
The RAIA’s national president, Howard Tanner, said it was a move heralded by market research evaluating the organisation’s relevance and how it was perceived by the profession, the building sector, government and the public.
The research findings clearly showed that the word ‘Royal’ was seen as out of touch and not of contemporary relevance, so for everyday use, we will trade under the new name, said Mr Tanner.
The Institute has also updated its visual identity and will launch its refreshed website when the awareness campaign gets underway.
The campaign will centre on delivering educative messages about the architectural profession as well as communicating a better understanding of the true role and value of using an architect.
With more than 9,500 members across Australia and overseas, the moves will capitalise and build on the Institute’s reputation as the nation’s peak body for the profession.