It’s the period pain device that has stirred conversation around the world. Sydney-based Ovira has once again added to conversation about women’s health, placing pads around Sydney’s CBD spelling out messages about menstruation.
No stranger to guerilla marketing, last year Ovira placed strongly worded billboards outside Knox Grammar School. Today things were a little more simple.
Different messages all concerning menstruation were printed out and stuck onto pads, then placed around Sydney.
The messages included:
- on average, women spend $19,000 on period products in their lifetime;
- 1 in 10 women have endometriosis;
- we spend 3,500 days in our life on our period; and
- 80% of women experience period pain
Each message had a fact or a moment that everyone who menstruates can relate to.
Why guerilla marketing?
Ovira has relied on guerilla marketing in the past. Creating buzz around the company has worked well for the health company. The billboards had previously caused a stir in the wake of a controversial case surrounding the prestigious boys’ school.
As Ovira is a single product business, continuing to create hype around it is necessary for relevance. The messages it’s sending are crucial to share, but it’s the way that the messages are being sent that will allow Ovira to be remembered.
Making it on TikTok
Ovira seems to be the master of getting the message out there. Since starting a TikTok account, the business has amassed over a million followers. How? Sex ed. Going where other brands don’t.
What Ovira has done is created a safe space for people to ask the questions they’re too embarrassed to ask in public. From sex to menstrutation and masturbation, no stone goes unturned on Ovira’s TikTok.
The pads up around Sydney today are just another way that Ovira makes sure that people know the product, the brand, and know what it all stands for.