PubCamp – the Web 2.0 Media Day (Un)Conference
This post relates to the PubCamp event. If you havent got time to read the post, or you just want the skinny on PubCamp, consider checking out our event listing on the calendar page – youll find the information youre looking for quickly and easily there.
If you think PubCamp is where alcoholic parents send their kids during the summer, then perhaps you should read this short description from Semantic Medias PubCamp site:
The Web is now sixteen years old. Like most teenagers, its obsessed
with its social life and wears strange clothing. It thumbs its nose at
convention and is impossible for most normal grown-ups to understand.
Its not mature yet, but growing up fast. And while it may be out to
change the world, it also seems intent on smashing up everything that
has come before.
Do you ever get the
feeling you dont really understand where the Webs heading (let alone
this Web 2.0 or Web 3.0 you keep hearing about) or that its leaving
you behind? Youre not alone. The simple fact is no one really knows
for sure or has all the answers. So, what can I do about it? Come along
to PubCamp – The Web 2.0 Media Day – A Conference and Unconference –
a free event about the future of media on the Web — and get some group
therapy for dealing with this precocious teenager and its seemingly
limitless potential.
You might have heard of BarCamp. Interested in where media is heading? Then PubCamp is for you!
- Immerse yourself in good ideas with smart people in an information-packed afternoon and evening.
- Share leading-edge insights into where Web 2.0 is heading and explore case studies and examples from around the world.
- Be part of a conversation and debate with other people working in media and online.
- Find out how other people are approaching the challenges, and take part in open panel and workshop discussions.
The event is proudly brought to you by itechne. Its part of our mission to demystify technology, spark new ideas and help our customers and friends understand the future of media.
So there, now you know. But in addition to all the fun of the fair at PubCamp, Craig Media Hunter Wilson and Gordon The Marketer Whitehead have shown the kind of initiative that would make Scout masters envious, and have filmed some great short video vox pops with a selection of Australias online and Web 2.0 luminaries. Check out the StickyTV video below, which features Gavin Servant of Chaos Heaton, Sean StubbornMule Carmody and Markus Eskimo Sparky Hafner grappling with the question What are your thoughts on media in 2008? is going to be trying to emulate the video excellence of StickyTV at the Melbourne PubCamp event, so for all those in attendance, we look forward to seeing you there and getting stuck into the debate. Once weve edited the videos we hope to take, well be uploading them here on the site, so stay tuned!