Smartphones ads have better click through
According to a survey by UK-based Quattro Wireless, mobile users are more likely to click through ads via a touchscreen device.
The analysis looked into the four billion ads served to mobile devices globally in the Q2 2009 and found that rich media ads on mobile sites and within apps led to high click-through rates and engagement, but that the device being used had a significant impact.
Rates were highest on touchscreen devices, and higher than average on sites that had been optimised for WAP or when placed within an app.
The survey also found that animated ads are twice as effective as text ads, and that expanding ads also drives higher click-through.
“We are excited to release our first ‘Mobile ROI Report for Brands’, which demonstrates our ability to deliver value to our clients and to promote the mobile channel as a critical component of driving ROI for all marketers,” explained Andy Miller, CEO and co-founder of Quattro Wireless.
The report also indicated that Apple’s iPhone generated the highest response rate, with growth being driven by mcommerce through ad linking to iTunes and from entertainment and consumer electronics brands.
The company expects overall response rates to increase as more Android devices launch through the world and BlackBerry improves its web browsing.