Inside Marketing magazine: The Value Issue – August September 2015
The ‘Value’ Issue is here!
Marketing mag print subscribers will receive the new edition in their letterboxes very, very soon.
Over the next two months we’ll be focusing our online content on various interpretations of ‘value’… think brand value, shared value, customer lifetime value, value shopping and more. Get in touch with our assistant editor to suggest content ideas for online: [email protected].
Here’s a taste of what’s inside the print mag:
Inside The Value Issue
- Feature: Solving the brand value equation,
- interview: Andrew Therkelsen, GfK Australia, on value types,
- feature: salary guide,
- brand journey: Kimberly-Clark,
- marketer profile: Jana Kotatko, NRMA Motoring and Services,
- infographic: the world’s top brands,
- columns: Michael Valos, Steve Sammartino, Karl Treacher, Sergio Brodsky and Con Stavros,
- case studies: Jeep, Animals Australia, Barcelona and Crown Golden Ale,
- content partners: RMIT, Accenture, Un Ltd, Effective Measure, Adobe and Forrester, and
- brain trust: “What examples have you seen of businesses successfully incorporating shared value into their strategies?”
Question: I’m not yet subscribed, can I still get The Value Issue?
Answer: Probably! Give our friendly subscriptions department a call to subscribe (freecall in Australia 1800 804 160) and ask them nicely if there are any copies left. I’ll tell them to expect your call. Otherwise, a limited number will be available in selected newsagents, and you can always get the digital version from Zinio, Apple’s iTunes Store or Google Play.