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Blogs for Breakfast


Blogs for Breakfast


Every morning we’ll be posting a quick round-up of marketing-related posts from blogs. If you come across a really great blog with some interesting marketing-related content, send us through the link and we’ll post it up.

Brands need to sound human

Faris Yakob over at Talent imitates, genius steals has this interesting post about how important it is for brands to sound and behave like people, especially when it comes to social media interactions:

“Now, if brands want to play in our social media spaces, if they want to come to our party, they have to act like people.”

There’s a good video of one of the panels at PSFK New York too.

Read the post He thinks he’s People now

Marketers just don’t get it (sort of)

The FutureLab blog has Karl Long stirring the pot again, much the same way our own David Gillespie just has, by pointing to new research that claims that marketers are still in the dark when it comes to digital:

“Just 13% reported using blogs or social networks in marketing, and 49% said they had no plans to do so in the next year. If that’s the marketers then what hope do the clients have? Talk about the blind leading the blind.”

Read the post Interactive marketers the new stick in the Muds? now

The death of publishing … again.

Every few months someone comes out and proclaims this or that publishing model dead, and til now I haven’t seen many of them actually expire. Still, The Marketing Profs are an astute bunch, so why not check out Cam Beck’s post and weigh into the debate yourself.

Read The Publishers Paradox: Why Traditional Advertising Models Are Dead now


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