Dalim and GMG offer common solution
Heres one for all the printing tech gurus out there.
GMG, supplier of high-end color management and proofing solutions, is to announce at Drupa its new product GMG Connect. GMG Connect links up GMG’s proofing and color management products to create a central, scalable color management workflow solution.
This networked and centrally controllable solution allows all process progress to be monitored at all times, permitting access to GMG installations at different locations via an intranet or the internet. GMG color management and proofing functions can be integrated into existing workflows and browser-based remote proofing and color management is also possible.
GMG Connect can also provide easy and efficient integration of the GMG color management products GMG ColorServer and GMG InkOptimizer into the workflow system DALiM TWiST, a fully-automated premedia job processing system, designed to streamline the creation of a wide variety of file types as well as automate internal production workflow processes.
Dalim Software, supplier of innovative and powerful production, workflow and communication software solutions for the publications and graphics arts industries, offers for this purpose the plug-in GMG-Link. This plug-in allows for a direct access to GMG FlowConnect out of DALiM TWiST via a JDF-interface. GMG FlowConnect is the interface for linking GMG Connect to external systems. This module permits the utilization of any desired XML formats for bidirectional machine-to-machine communication. It offers flexible configuration options, making it possible to meet event the most exotic requirements.
Processing parameters for color conversions can be chosen directly in DALiM TWiST. Status information from GMG Connect is also displayed immediately. Thus, the administration of the whole workflow process is simplified as all status information is visible on the same user interface.
Increasing networking and automation of the production environment is leading to growing demand for a networked, centrally controllable color management solution in which all process progress can be monitored at all times. The integration of our proofing and color management products into established workflow systems for networked and standardized production has therefore top priority. We are pleased that together with Dalim Software we can offer our customers optimal color management solutions, says Robert Weihing, CEO of GMG GmbH & Co. KG.