Fiona Tigar to Burson-Marsteller
Burson-Marsteller (B-M), a leading Australian public relations and communications consultancy, today announced that Fiona Tigar has joined the company as Senior Counsel with a remit on driving new business. Fiona will work across the organisation, but with a focus on the pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare industries.
Market Leader of B-M Australia, Brian West, said that; “This is an exciting time for B-M, we are entering our third year of strong growth, winning new business and searching for impressive staff across all sections of the business. Our clients value the experienced and wise counsel we bring to the table and Fiona’s appointment follows that proven strategy.
“Fiona has a great reputation, and her experience and knowledge of the healthcare sector will have a real impact on our business and ensure we keep growing. Fiona also knows that superior tactical delivery for a client underpins any great strategy,” he said.
Fiona has previously held general management and director positions within international public relations agencies in Sydney and London, as well as leading internal communication departments within global pharmaceutical companies, AstraZeneca and Roche.
With over 25 years in the public relations industry, Fiona brings additional depth of experience and expertise to the well established B-M team, cementing its position as a leader in strategic and impactful public relations.
Fiona is delighted to be working with such a smart and switched-on team at B-M. “This is an exciting time in the evolution of public relations, particularly for the pharmaceutical industry, and clients need intelligent and courageous practitioners to help them navigate the challenges and opportunities they face.
“I have always greatly admired B-M as it has been leading the PR industry for decades. B-M’s evidence-based approach delivers real results for clients which I have experienced first-hand from inside the agency in the 90s, to having them as my agency when I was client-side,” she said.