Google buys stake in Coca-Cola
Yesterday, Marketing magazine reported on Google’s latest foray in to social media and listed numerous companies they have acquired in their short but spectacular history. Despite the incredible stable of tech products under their belt, Google has surprised many pundits with their latest acquisition: Coke. The soft drink.
Details are still not very detailed about the deal, but a Coca–Cola insider said recent private label soft drink loss leading by major supermarkets, like Woolworths and Coles in Australia, has frozen up sales of Coca–Cola Amatil’s Kirks brand soft drinks.
Kirks famed supermarket soft drink Pasito was once referred to by Coca-Cola management as “the rivers of orange gold’, and formed the backbone of the company’s efforts in Australia to push the drink Coca–Cola in a Pepsi dominated market.
The Google deal puts the Coca–Cola Company in Google’s hands globally, and it is believed a new stable of products will be released.
Google, who are known for registering thousands of patents annually, are planning to finally release some of their inventions, which will be modified to work with the new drinks portfolio.
The first to be released is a hard hat style headwear gift Google has entitled ‘Thirst Aid’ (pictured below). The brilliant invention uses nanoweb technology and anti-gravity gas to propel Coca-Cola, which is fitted to either side of the hard hat, through a tube and into the consumer’s mouth. The invention has already been heralded as game changing, and will reward early adopters with free fittings for more cans of drink.
More details to come.