Google expands mag search tools
Trying to find that cool mag that’s only available once a year with a limited print run?
Google’s Book Search facility has been a boon for people looking for publications, but despite the number of resources online only a handful are magazines.
However, the search giant has announced an initiative to bring a huge amount of magazine archives and current publications online.
This will involve digitising millions of articles from a plethora of previously offline periodicals, from mags such as the New Yorker and Popular Mechanics.
Performing a search for ‘Barack Obama magazine’ will return a list of article hits from magazines like Time, Ebony and Jet.
Reading further will allow you to ‘browse all issues’, giving you access to a wider range of magazine articles from past issues that are decades old.
Still in its infancy, Google’s magazine search will ideally make it easier to find that long lost Jerry Garcia or Shirley Strachan interview from Rolling Stone 1978…