UnLtd’s message of thanks to the marketing, media and creative industries

UnLtd has achieved amazing things in 2019 and has capped it off with this message to everyone who got involved.
‘Twas the week before Christmas, and the industry was still,
Clutching to those Xmas lunch proseccos, careful not to spill.
It got me thinking about the year that has been
And all the challenges & redundancies that our industry has seen.
But despite the news often focusing on the scary and bad,
It’s time to celebrate the positive impact our industry has had.
This year has been our biggest yet
With 20+ events, 7500 supporters and one Big Bet.
We’ve batted, sailed, surfed and kicked goals for good
Raised funds and awareness and even chopped some wood.
You’ve given your skills, talent, resources and time
To help children at risk and even helped reduce crime.
It’s thanks to the generosity and passion of this wonderful adland
Who are always willing to get stuck in and lend a hand
That together we’ve generated over $14m of social impact,
Helping over 9500 kids at risk get their lives back on track.
There’s been highs and lows and there wasn’t a dry eye,
When we watched the MMAD kids graduate at Spotify.
Or when the entire community at Lake Cargelligo burst into tears
When Channel Nine announced they will be funding their local charity for three years.
When our industry’s young talent shared their Pitch for Purpose ideas we felt proud,
They impressed everyone with their passion in front of the Advertising Week crowd.
Or when our industry come together after a night spent in jail
To create the first ever campaign for Whitelion of massive scale.
Ogilvy, Wavemaker, OGB, Kantar and 30 media owners across the land
Helped Whitelion’s donations double and build this important brand.
This year we’ve opened up like never before,
Sharing our mental health stories and so much more.
The stories we heard, so many people could relate
And we hope they encourage others to seek help before it’s too late.
What started as a survey, grew into a movement
Empowering our industry with mental health improvement.
Among the joy and goodness there’s been sadness too
When we recently heard of a young one taking his own life, gone to soon
It’s a stark reminder of the realities our charities face every day
Fighting for a better future for our youth, come what may.
And the year hasn’t been without its moment of fear and nervous smiles
Like when we ran out of petrol in the bush with Team Nine and no station for miles!
Luckily a toothless barman from Bogan Gate came to save us
Filling up our tank with generosity and no fuss.
Or the three hours before our annual Big Clash cricket,
When it looked like thanks to rain we might not have a field or a wicket!
Or when a council beach closure nearly cancelled our Big Kahuna,
Luckily we pulled it off and everyone could soon have a schooner.
So to you, our industry and friends we say thank you,
For giving us your time and resources and everything you do.
Because of your work that you do on top of your daily business,
We’ve been able to give so many kids at risk a real Christmas.
You’ve helped make a real difference and have changed so many lives,
I reckon that deserves a round of high fives.
So from all of us at UnLtd we want to wish you plenty of Christmas cheer,
We can’t wait to see what this amazing industry can do in the new year!
– Chris Freel and the UnLtd team.
UnLtd is a Marketing content partner. A leading social purpose organisation connecting the marketing, media and creatie industries with charities helping children and young people at risk.