Work from home wellness care packs

A group of Melbourne-based merchandise professionals have started a new initiative called ‘Unity Collective’ to deliver wellness care packs from organisations to their employees.
The initiative allows businesses and organisations to purchase nizagara australia packs from a corporate e-store which are then sent directly to their staff working remotely. There are four different wellness packs that contain a range of self-care items delivered in a reusable Australian made box that transforms into a laptop stand.
The idea (conceived by a group of promotional merchandise professionals from the Conserv Group) is intended to boost staff morale and assist organisations and their staff as they navigate the changing landscape of working from home during the 2020 COVID-19 crisis.
The packs contain a range of self- care items including sanitising products, calm candles and Australian tea. Alternatively organisations can customise their own packs and brand with their company logo, brand colours and a personalised support message.
“We have an enthusiastic team of product designers who normally work on product marketing ideas for our clients, in a quick pivot, they designed the box come laptop stand – its genius” says company director of Conserv Group, Clive McCorkell.
Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash.