TV vs Social Media stats for Hey Hey
The battle between channel nine’s Hey Hey It’s Saturday reunion and Ten’s Celebrity MasterChef attracted a dual analysis: ratings and ‘twatings’.
OzTam recorded a significant audience nearing 2.2 million tuning in to the Hey Hey reunion, while Celebrity MasterChef attracted just shy of 1.4 million. The Twitter analysis reveals an even greater disparity.
Conducted by Dialogix, the company claims there were 22,000 “Hey Hey It’s Saturday” and hashtagged #HeyHey tweets during the show’s airtime. The conversation peaked at 7,000 tweets per hour, juxtaposed with MasterChef’s 1,600. This pushed Hey Hey to Twitter’s number one trending topic.
“Traditional TV ratings give you the number of people who watched a program, but if you measure people who spoke about a show on Twitter you get a better analysis of who actually engaged with the show,” said Matt Granfield, Dialogix director. “The show had more than 200,000 Facebook fans on the day it went to air
and messages were posted on that network alerting people to the fact
that host Daryl Somers had just joined Twitter. Within 24 hours Daryl
had 1,383 followers.”