All-time lows: Trust Barometer reveals Australia’s falling trust in businesses, media, government

Australia’s trust levels in business, media, government and NGOs is on the decline.
Edelman’s 2017 Trust Barometer reveals Australians’ trust levels in the four key institutions of business, media, government and NGOs has dropped.
Trust in government has experienced a fall of 8%, and media has fallen by 10% to an all-time low.
59% of Australians believe “the system is failing them.”
56% fear globalisation is taking us in the wrong direction, and over half are concerned about ‘eroding social values’, immigration, corruption and the pace of innovation.
CEO credibility has also dropped to an all -time low of 26%, down from 39% last year.
Expectations of businesses are high. 77% of Australians agree that a company can take specific actions that “both increase profits and improve the economic and social conditions in the community where it operates,” says the Edelman release.
“Business is at a critical juncture where it has the opportunity to rebuild trust but can only do so by responding to the concerns and fears of Australians and accepting the need to do things differently,” says Steve Spurr, CEO of Edelman Australia.
“An overwhelming 63% of Australians want businesses to pay their fair share of taxes, they want them to have ethical business practices and to treat their employees well. It’s time for companies to do more. Business leaders must stand up for issues that matter to society.”
The 17th Edelman Trust Barometer is a global survey of people in Australia and across 27 other countries.
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