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Change Makers



The upcoming World Business Forum Sydney will showcase leading thinkers and innovators as they explore what life will be like after one of the most profound disruptions in recent human history.

It’s true that relentless Pollyannas can be a little hard to take sometimes, especially if you are one of those who have found lockdowns and hardline COVID-19 restrictions challenging and more than your soul can bear. But even if you fall into the latter category it is perhaps hard not to admit that, appalling health and economic impacts aside, the global pandemic of 2020 has brought with it, if not a silver lining, then at least some unsuspected pluses and reasons for celebration.

The slowing down, the increased time to reconnect with close family and explore the neighbourhood, the chance to focus on the important small details, such as what we eat and how we exercise… for many of us there has been more opportunity to do all of these things and more over the last six months or so.

But while a lot of people have been turning their focus inward to reevaluate the personal and their own approach to life, there are others who have used the time to expand their thinking and look out and beyond. 

Strategic thinkers have been taking this time to reimagine the world and what it may look like in the ‘new normal’.

And they’re doing this in a slew of different disciplines and areas of focus – leadership, strategy, innovation and management among them. 

But here’s another surprising gift that we’ve been given – the ability to share in these ideas and hear them first-hand from some of the most experienced and widely respected voices on the planet. Because in days gone by organising conferences and events with a wish list of speakers invariably meant compromise and juggling from the event hosts and line-up, plus significant time and travel commitments from attendees.

Dig the digital

The increasingly widespread use of online forums makes it easier for the speakers to participate and the attendees to sign up. Best of all, the planet benefits from the considerable reduction in air travel. 

Coming up next month is the latest World Business Forum Sydney, a two-day Sydney event that, for the first time, will be completely digital. These Forums, organised and curated by WOBI (World of Business Ideas) have traditionally been staged in cities across the Americas, Europe and Asia, and are renowned for their focus on presenting some of the most restless and inquiring minds in the world – who are now taking the time to rethink, reconnect, reinvent and, above all, remake.

World Business Forum Sydney, the event, will explore what life will be like after one of the most profound disruptions in recent human history. How will our lives change? How will our work transform? Will existing companies revolutionise and how will brand new ones emerge and evolve?

These are thinkers and innovators who will expound on what will be necessary to thrive in such a world. The focus is on finding and encouraging:

  • inspirational leaders who will tackle the challenges head-on
  • radical innovators who will think outside the box and put their dreams of a better future into practice, and
  • intuitive creators who will forge ahead and take the initiative in the building of this ‘brave new world’.

And who better to present such discussions than a line-up that includes multiple Academy Award-winner and deep sea explorer extraordinaire James Cameron? Or any of such a distinguished roll-call of presenters that includes Seth Godin, Carla Harris, Guy Kawasaki, Rachel Botsman, Ram Charan, Lynda Gratton, Dave Ulrich, Amy Webb, Tal Ben-Shahar, Ann Handley and Geoff Martin?

For those who don’t want to be left behind as the world opens up again, but instead look to be leaders thriving in an unfamiliar landscape, this will be a chance to hear from the best.

The digital edition of the World Business Forum Sydney, focussing on Remakers – Rethinking Companies, Reconnecting People, Reinventing Business, is on 10 and 11 November 2020. MarketingMag readers are able to access a 15% discount using the code MARKETINGMAG. Find out more information or register here.

Marketing Mag is currently running a competition. Win an exclusive free pass to attend The World Business Forum, which is taking place in a new digital format on 10 – 11 November 2020 here: https://www.marketingmag.com.au/win-1-of-4-passes-to-wobi-2020/


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