Chupa Chups channel Muppets with Chuck
If you have fond memories of fluffy, crazy looking puppets singing and teaching you the alphabet, then the new campaign from Chupa Chups is aimed directly at you.
But while the manic puppets still feature, the message has changed: forget ‘cooperation, makes it happen’, Chuck, the mascot for Chupa Chups campaign, preaches ‘a life less serious’.
Chuck is Chupa Chups’ first global mascot and is apparently already well known throughout Europe, with his own blog and a series of TVC.
The campaign centres around Chuck’s ‘life less serious’ ideology and takes a look at everyday moments where people, for one reason or another, tend to overreact – whether it’s at the gym or in a break up situation.
Lollipop lovers also have the chance to win their very own Chuck doll – I’m on to my fourth Chupa Chup today…