Cubed win new business: Plan International Australia
Following a competitive pitch, Melbourne based CUBED Communications has been appointed to the account of Plan International Australia (Plan). Plan is a not for profit change agent which works at the grass roots level in the developing world to empower communities to overcome poverty, so that children have the opportunity to reach their full potential. The addition of Plan follows two other recent wins by CUBED Communications: ANZ Bank and Metricon Homes.
Aimee Suchard Lowe, director marketing and communications for Plan, says the organisation has been reviewing its brand positioning, communications and marketing in Australia.
We are entering into a very exciting stage in our history and bringing on CUBED Communications as a partner is critical to our success. Their process and determination to deliver incremental results grabbed our attention and is aligned to our focus on increasing our supporter base, Suchard Lowe said.
Mike Chuter, founding partner, CUBED Communications, is excited about tackling the challenges and opportunities facing the Plan brand.
We are delighted to partner with Plan to assist with their acquisition activities. They basically operate in a market dominated by one player and want to roll out a refreshed brand and aggressively grow their market share, Chuter said.
And in a move demonstrating CUBED Communications corporate social responsibility, the company has added a unique clause to their proposal. We are so convinced our partnership will achieve real results for Plan that we have structured part of the remuneration on a payment by results basis. It’s basically reassurance for Plan and incentive for us. If they’re not winning, neither are we, Chuter added.
CUBEDs commitment to Plans success shows they realise that not for profits have to be extremely careful with budget so that no dollar is wasted, said Suchard Lowe. It also shows CUBED stands behind its strategy and creative.