mX creative challenge lets brands go wild
The soon-to-be-released July issue of Marketing magazine (check it out at the newsstands from 25th June) includes an article bemoaning the state of much advertising creative, which the author argues, often do little more than wallpaper our environment. In an industry that churns out thousands of creative pieces weekly, its hardly surprising that it doesnt all light up our lives. And if youre a regular reader of Campaign Brief, you might also conclude that the industry likes nothing more than to sit around bitching about each others work.
So its pretty refreshing when a brief goes out that actively encourages creatives in the industry to let their hair down and go to town on a brand. mX newspaper challenged creative agencies to send in their wildest newspaper advertising ideas, with the promise the best ads – however risqué – would run for free in mX. To encourage creatives to go wild, the mX created its own video to promote the contest. So if youve ever wondered what a world would look like if a giant packet of Crispy Flakes hijacked Jonas Akerlunds Smack My Bitch Up video, then head over to and marvel at the debauchery of cereal.
In total, 18 separate creative agencies responded to the call, submitting a total of 28 different advertising concepts to the mX judges. You can check out the top five entries as chosen by the judges below, and the creatives responsible for each of the designs will be dropping by over the next few days to chat about each others work, so feel free to tell us what you think of the winning pieces.
The winning entry was Benjamin Gays egg-cellent [Ed – groan!] piece for Sunny Queens Farms, but there were also four runners-up:
- Annie Price from The Foundry for BBQs Galore
- Jakub Szymanski from DDB for OSO Food Wrap
- Darren Coombes from Design Nucleus for Twistie
- Dave Johnson from Lowe & Rivet for Lynx
All five shortlisted advertisements will run in mX for free over the coming months. The five creative agencies behind these ad concepts have between them won over $100,000’s worth of free media space for their clients, so its smiles all round.
View the creative below and let us know what you think.