The global rise of Android in one 60-second video
Since its humble beginnings in 2007, Android has grown to dominate the world’s phone market. Recent data from shows that over 40% of global mobile traffic comes through Android tablets and phones, and that Android devices rank number one for mobile internet traffic in nearly 60% of countries. So when looking at your mobile strategy, should you be focusing on ‘Android first’ every time?
Although it is tempting to take a blanket stance on this, it really does depend on your target market. No successful strategy can take a one-plan-fits-all approach and it pays dividends to understand the ways your audience use their phone and which other devices they use.
For example, Australia and Germany both have strong growing economies. Yet in Australia iOS has more than 65% market share (down 3% from last year) and in Germany Android holds nearly 60% of their market (up 6% from last year). As such, if you were to plan a launch of a product in these two markets, your approach to mobile design, development, testing and delivery would need to be completely divergent, irrespective of the cultural differences.
So if you are planning to start a new mobile project, native or responsive, then first take the time to understand which mobile device really is top of the tree in your proposed market. Ensure your strategy and approach accounts for popularity and trend, so you can launch your finished product with the greatest amount of success.
Watch below to see the Rise of the Droid in 60 seconds!