The Greenpeace versus Coke battle continues
Greenpeace is continuing its feud with soft drink giant Coca-Cola by launching a website called ‘Coke Refunds‘ – a parody of Coke’s existing website ‘Coke Rewards‘. The website highlights Coca-Cola Amatil’s ongoing campaign to prevent the national roll out of a cash-for-containers scheme. The environmental activist group launched its ‘Stop trashing Australia‘ campaign back in May aimed at the same issue.
Greenpeace screened the controversial recycling TVC from that campaign in front of New South Wales Parliament in late May after it was blocked by the free-to-air networks.
“Coke’s opposition to a beverage recycling scheme is dodgy. This is reflected in an impossible-to-click ‘Refund my 10 cents’ dodge button which, like Coke’s support for recycling, can’t be pinned down,” says Seb Cumberbirch, digital strategy manager for Greenpeace Australia Pacific.
“The campaign allows our supporters to imagine a time when Coke is not only supportive of a national cash for containers scheme, but even provides a 10-cent online refund.”
“We have played with the company’s Coke Rewards customer loyalty marketing program, subverting this marketing tool to make fun of the company’s dogged resistance to a scheme which a recent Newspoll shows 84% of Australians want and that has been successful in South Australia for over three decades,” Cumberbirch says.