The World Wide Web at work
As I’m sure you’ve all heard, apparently the economy isn’t doing too well. Which isn’t really a good sign for those students looking to graduate over the next few years and enter an already hard to get into industry. So if a position does come up in your organisation or agency, you can probably expect more than a handful of resumes to land on your desk.
But the problem is, today’s juniors are also Gen Y and according to you guys that means we’re naive, arrogant and stupid. So unless the position you’re offering is a good one, we might pass on it, even if we can’t get one elsewhere. And if you do manage to attract us, if you can’t keep us happy you won’t be able to retain us.
So what kind of things do Gen Y look for in employment? Well, let’s overlook some of the more common ones like responsibility, a creative environment and Friday night beers because they’ve been covered to death. What about some other smaller issues that are perhaps just as important that old Gen X might not be familiar with? Here are two issues myself or my graduate-to-be mates have faced recently.
Firstly, don’t block any form of social networks or micro-blogging platforms at work. Chances are I’ll need Facebook and Twitter to work, but even if not, these tools are a part of my life. And it’s not all time wasted looking at photos and posting on walls. These are tools that lead to opportunities and build networks: certainly not as harmful as everyone is lead to believe. Plus I have an iPhone, so there’s no real way of stopping me anyway.
And secondly, my social networks are mine. If I have photos of me doing something stupid after a few too many beers, then too bad. Likewise if you don’t like the tone of my blog. Letting me blog at work would be cool, but not a requirement. But you’re not allowed to interfere with my blog. I’ll post what I want and it goes without saying you shouldn’t be asking me to post about certain things either. Of course confidential stuff is an exception, and anything about clients in a negative light I’ll let be censored. But I don’t want to work for someone who won’t let me do my own thing, on Facebook, on my blog or otherwise.
You’re probably going to dismiss these both as not at all important issues. I’m just another typical youngen who wants it all and isn’t willing to work hard for it right? But these issues might just be that deciding factor when it comes to your dream graduate saying yes or no. I know if you didn’t consider these two issues, I certainly wouldn’t work for you. Naive, arrogant and stupid? Of course, but after all, I am a Gen Y.