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How brands can get Metaverse fit in 2022

Technology & Data

How brands can get Metaverse fit in 2022


We thought 2020 was the year of social connectedness. Applications like Zoom, Whatsapp and Google Duo were taking the world by storm to help facilitate meetings and events. But now there’s the development of the metaverse. And now we predict 2022 will see a shift towards simulated interactions where businesses will create experiences that extend past reality. 

Brands will need to step up and move out of their comfort zone. They will need to start to explore non conventional methods of communication, look to build additional customised experiences for their customers.

Metaverse is understood to be a combination of virtual and augmented reality. It’s where people can live in a virtually programmed and developed world that is different from reality. It taes inspiration from the real environment around us.

Business leaders should be paying attention now. There are massive developments in this space. They need to start to get creative with customer interactions before being forced to engage with the Metaverse with these three tips. 

Customise the user experience

Businesses and brands should be thinking about opportunities to enhance their customer and employee digital experience. They need to prepare for the pivot to new interaction models that the metaverse brings. Businesses should be reviewing their customer journey to identify experience points that could be enhanced through the metaverse.

This includes serving communication targeted directly at a customer purchasing profile providing groups only with the content they would be interested in and identifying milestones that encourage customers to engage with the brand. It is less about brand and business agenda and more about finding the right content for each consumer segment. 

Make use of social media shopping functions now while you can.

The increase in screen time use for customers will have brands exploring other digital ways to interact with their customers, therefore their digital strategy and engagement will need to adjust and be enhanced as a result. 

Brands will be able to offer consumers experiences that will heighten the relationship between the two groups. With the increase in customer “touch points”, businesses should capitalise on as many touch points as possible to seize a sale from a customer. 

The emergence of the Instagram shopping function touch point provides businesses and consumers with additional digital experiences but also gives businesses the opportunity to sell to their customer in another way. This form of marketing ensures brands can communicate creatively and can still achieve the same result.

Personalisation is king.

The metaverse will provide consumers with opportunities to interact with brands, and influencers and engage in activities that would not necessarily be accessible in our reality. The ability to provide deeper connections will create a better connection between consumer and brand.

Businesses should start early in their journey to maintain customer attention. We’ve seen the personalisation of Coca Cola bottles and the popularity of the movement of personalisation of products. The brand created further connection with their customers by having this function available, a function the metaverse will amplify.

2022 is an opportunity for brands to connect their ambassadors and influencers to everyday customers. This accessibility extends past the conventions of social media influencing. It allows real interaction between individuals free of time zone constraints and socio economic barriers.

Metaverse will influence business innovation and marketing in 2022. If you know what to do with it, the advantages will be endless. 

Peggy Worrell is a marketing expert & educator, brand strategist and founder of Marketing Your Brand.


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