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Local services platform Oneflare launches Facebook Messenger chat bot

Technology & Data

Local services platform Oneflare launches Facebook Messenger chat bot


Trade directory Oneflare has launched a Facebook Messenger bot to help Australians get access to local contractors and service experts.

Australians searching for expert help now have access to Oneflare’s database of local providers via Oneflare’s new chat bot on Facebook’s Messenger app.

The Oneflare Messenger bot is an industry first, and follows Domain real estate’s launching Australia’s first Messenger bot earlier this month.

Related: Domain’s launch of Australia’s first Messenger bot »

Users will able to connect users to trade and service experts in three steps:

  1. When customers message Oneflare through the Messenger app, the bot drops a pin or searches their location,
  2. customers then select the required service by selecting from popular categories while being able to view the number of experts who service their area,
  3. by completing a short form on the details of their request, the job is submitted and the customer will receive free quotes from up to three businesses.

Oneflare Facebook Messenger bot welcome message (1)Domain recently invested $15 million in Oneflare to support its business expansion plans..

“We aim to make hiring trade and service experts as simple as possible and ensure that our customers connect with the right expert for their job, whether that is cleaning, gardening, plumbing, removalists or even electrical work, our new Faebook Messenger bot does just that, by bringing our service to a platform our customers regularly use,” says Oneflare chief executive officer and co-founder Adam Dong.

“Oneflare currently attracts 1.3 million visitors who place 45,000 job requests a month through our website and app. The launch of the Facebook messenger bot is set to see these numbers skyrocket, creating more customer jobs and in turn attracting more businesses to our service. It’s a win-win,” he says.

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Ben Ice

Ben Ice was MarketingMag editor from August 2017 - February 2020

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