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Apple-Samsung verdict is in: Apple awarded $1 billion in damages


Apple-Samsung verdict is in: Apple awarded $1 billion in damages


The Apple vs Samsung trial has finally reached a conclusion with the jury reaching a verdict after two days of deliberation.

Samsung must pay Apple just over US$1 billion for infringing several of its patents in Samsung smartphones and tablets, a California District Court jury decided on Friday.

The decision was complicated with allegations on three Samsung companies and 20+ devices.

The jury decided in Apple’s favour on an important question — whether Samsung’s infringement was wilful. The jury said the infringement was wilful for 5 out of 7 Apple patents in the case. That could potentially result in the judge tripling the damages award against Samsung.

Samsung did score at least one victory — it’s Galaxy tabs did not infringe on Apple’s 889 design patent, the jury said.

After the verdict was announced Apple shares (AAPL) jumped 1.44% to US$672.75‎.

For each patent the jury found:

– For each of the following products did Samsung (SEC, SEA, STA) infringe claim 19 of /301 patent, Answer for all devices is YES

– Inducement for patents ‘381 ‘915 ‘163. ‘381: Yes for all devices. Jury also ruled largely in Apple’s favour for its double-tap to zoom patent (163)

– Patent ‘915: Yes for 17 devices plus Galaxy Tab, Tab 10.1, and Nexus.

– Infringement of D’677 patent: Yes for 12 devices. No for Ace.

– D’305 design patent: SEC: Yes 13 Samsung devices. STA: Yes for 11 Samsung devices.

– D’889 Patent: No across the board

– Was Samsung willful in its infringement? D’677 Design Patent: Yes for 10 devices. D’087 Design Patent: Yes for 2 devices, No for 4 devices. D’305: Yes for 8 devices. ‘889 No for both Galaxy Tab models.

– Invalidity: 381 Not proven invalid. No across the board. Not a single one proven invalid by Samsung.

– On to trade dress. Samsung has NOT proven that’893 trade dress is not protectable. Apple has proven only the iPhone 3G trade dress protectable.

– Home screen patent: All Samsung phones violated.

– Apple’s two-finger scroll patent: All Samsung devices infringing except for two devices.

– Samsung’s claims that Apple patents are invalid: Jury says NO on all patents.

Damages: $1 billion, 51 million 855 thousand dollars.

Now for Samsung’s claims against Apple…

– 711 Patent on iPhone 3G No. ‘460 on iPhone 3G: no. ‘711 iPhone 3GS: No, ‘893 iPhone 3GS No, ‘460: literally infringement for 3GS: no, ‘516 No, ‘460 no across the board. No on all iPod touch

– Did Apple prove they were invalid? No across the board! No damages so far…

– Antitrust: Did Apple prove that Samsung breached it’s obligations when developing the UTMS standard? NO


Original story by our sister site, Macworld Australia

[Source: Macworld, The Verge, 9to5Mac & Twitter]


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