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Media Monday: Fairfax campaigns, Radio Survey 5, Facebook news, OMA winners


Media Monday: Fairfax campaigns, Radio Survey 5, Facebook news, OMA winners


In Australian media news this week, Fairfax launches campaigns, Southern Cross Austereo and Macquarie Radio Network highlight Survey 5 results, Facebook reaches 1 billion daily users and launches Moments app, and the OMA announced its quarterly best of outdoor advertising winners.


Fairfax Media campaigns

‘Take Back Your Weekend’

Fairfax Media has launched a new campaign aiming to inspire readers to #takebacktheweekend by relaxing and unwinding with a newspaper. The campaign uses the family dog as the narrator, the most chilled out member of the household.

It will run in print, digital, out-of-home and social with versions for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.



‘Know you know’

The Australian Financial Review’s latest campaign poses the question: ‘Who knows how this could affect you?’ around essential topics that consumers need to know about – such as federal government instability, fossil fuels, iron ore, the housing bubble, childcare and superannuation.

It will will include out-of-home, print and online, augmented and social media activity.


Radio Survey 5 results

Last week Survey 5 results were released, and here are some of the radio networks’ key highlights:

Southern Cross Austereo

  • SCA retains its number one position in the 18 to 39 and 25 to 54 age brackets, and is number one with men,
  • Hit Network reaches reaches 3.3 million listeners (including metro and regional) after adding 223,000 new listeners (its metro reach is 2.8 million), and
  • Triple M network reaches 2.7 million (2.3 million in metro).

Macquarie Radio Network

  • 2GB retained its position as number one in Sydney, increasing its share of audience by 0.4% to 13.2%,
  • 2GB, 2UE and 2CH reach a combined audience of more than 908,000 listeners per week,
  • 6PR in Perthincreased share in all key weekday and weekend shifts, and demographic groups,
  • 6PR’s Steve Mills and Basil Zempilas posted a 10.4% share (up 0.7), and
  • 6PR’s The Weekend Wakeup with Rod Tiley and Sue McDougall posted an 11.8% share.


Facebook news

1 billion users

Facebook’s number of total daily users has surpassed 1 billion, founder Mark Zuckerberg has announced in a post.

“On Monday, one in seven people on Earth used Facebook to connect with their friends and family,” he wrote.

“When we talk about our financials, we use average numbers, but this is different. This was the first time we reached this milestone, and it’s just the beginning of connecting the whole world.”


Facebook has launched its private photo-sharing app, Moments, in Australia.

“Moments groups the photos on your phone based on when they were taken and, using facial recognition technology, which friends are in them,” product manager Will Ruben explains on the company blog.

“You can then privately sync those photos quickly and easily with specific friends, and they can choose to sync their photos with you as well.”



OMA Creative Collection winners

The Outdoor Media Association (OMA) has announced the winners of its Creative Collection competition for Q2 2015.

Best creative execution winner:

Campaign: ‘Coke Contour’

Advertiser: Coca-Cola South Pacific

Creative agency: Ogilvy & Mather

Media agency: UM


coke ad


Best traditional use of the OOH medium winner:

Campaign: ‘BONDS – Hosiery’

Advertiser: Pacific Brands

Creative agency: Clemenger

Media agency: OMD


bonds ad


Best use of a special build winner:

Campaign: ‘#Huetown’

Advertiser: Philips

Creative agency: Iris

Media agency: Posterscope/Carat


philips ad


Best use of technology/innovation winner:

Campaign: ‘Keys to the City’

Advertiser: Queensland Music Festival (QMF)

Creative agency: In-house

Media agency: In-house


qmf pic




Michelle Herbison

Assistant editor, Marketing Magazine.

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